As a centre we are honoured to provide two Muslim Chaplains employed on a full time basis to provide counsel and mentorship to inmates.Working in partnership with Correctional Service Canada and the Ontario Multi Faith Committee, the Centre has fostered an environment that allows for individuals to develop themselves while serving their sentences and then to become welcomed members of society upon their release.
The centre ensures that inmates receive a prayer mat and Qur’an (in a language of their choice) as well as access to other Islamic literature, and monitor that their religious rights are preserved. As well as to guarantee that inmates receive Halal meals and are allowed to do their prayers and observe Ramadan.
As mentioned above ICC provides two permanent Muslim Chaplains to all the federal penitentiaries in Ontario. Chaplains serve to the following Institutions to ensure that inmates have access to the spiritual needs and connection of their choice.
The following are the institutions in which the Chaplains conduct their work:
- Kingston Penitentiary
- Collins Bay Institution
- Millhaven Institution
- Frontenac Institution
- Joyceville Institution
- Pittsburg Institution
- Warkworth Institution
- Fenbrook Medium Security
- Beaver Creek Institution
- GVI Women Prison
- Brampton Half Way House
- Keele Group Home
- Ottawa Detention Centre
In addition to that, ICC has regular volunteers who take their time to visit Inmates in Ottawa and provide spiritual and emotional assistance. By the grace of Allah many inmates have become Muslims, spending their time in prison in a productive peaceful manner. ICC also tries to ensure that inmates who are released can re integrate into society in an easy manner.